1539 Road 19 Powell, WY 82435<\/span><\/div>\n\t\t
Heart Mountain Interpretive Center tells the story of some 14,000 Japanese Americans unjustly incarcerated in Wyoming from 1942 through 1945. Each year the last week in July the Heart Mountain Pilgrimage takes place as a reminder of this period in US History.
Friday & Saturday will be full of opportunities to learn from and interact with former incarcerees, historians, and your fellow pilgrims. These will include:
An Opening Ceremony featuring a screening of An American Story: Norman Mineta and His Legacy, followed by a Q&A with the filmmakers and Secretary Mineta
Five different Friday Educational Sessions
Multigenerational Discussions (with the opportunity to be a discussion leader)
A special Friday night Film Screening of Return to Foretop's Father by Preston Randolph
Presentation of Compassionate Witness Award to Tom Brokaw
Saturday Keynote Speech by the Honorable Judge Lance Ito, son of Heart Mountain incarcerees James & Toshi Ito
Five different Saturday Tours at the Interpretive Center and across the grounds of the former confinement site
A Saturday Film Screening at the Interpretive Center of Music at Heart Mountain
Saturday night Sayonara Banquet in Cody