Leading with Courage is a Catalyst for Change

Leadership isn’t a title it is a decision. Why would we decide to lead if we didn’t want to usher in change? Everyone knows, change is hard. For this reason, great leaders understand leading with courage is a catalyst for change.

We lead from the top, middle, or bottom of an organizational chart. To illustrate, we lead as parents, coaches, or friends. How can we lead with courage to be a catalyst for change?    

  • Define who you are and what you do. This is applicable to an organization, family or yourself.
  • Define who you are leading and why.
  • Draft a document a vision board, mission, vision, values, and goals. Don’t get hung up with the medium, it is the message that is important.  
  • Collaborate with the people you are leading. Gain feedback, did you get it right?
  • Check-in on your mental, emotional, and physical health. Feedback is hard and you must not react to it but analyze feedback with empathy and wisdom.
  • Create systems or utilize a current framework that matches your vision board, mission, vision, values and organizational documents.
  • Celebrate and incorporate fun. This is a tangible representation of work done well. Your team, family, and friends need this to catalogue memories and remind us of the good times, especially in the bad times.  
Mountain top in the Big Horn National Forest

Economic Development Executive Director’s Letter to Community

Simon Sinek said, “the best leaders I’ve met have courage.” He goes on to say, “the quality of our relationships gives us courage…to build courage we need to invest in our relationships.”

Economic Development’s role in the community is to support business and industry and be a catalyst for change. Change is hard, to execute change takes courage. We don’t do it alone; we are insistent that ideas for change come from our relationships. The ideas come from you!

As an economic development practitioner, my staff and I are consistently asking businesses “What would you like to see in Powell or Park County that doesn’t exist?” Additionally, “What does your business need to be better?”

Active Listening Turned into Actionable Steps

When Powell Economic Partnership hears a need often enough, we add it to a program and get to work. First, we research the solution. Second, we rely on outside economic development industry sources and federal, state, and local government agencies to be good partners and share resources. Third, we utilize the experience of the PEP Team. The fourth step is to set our sights on implementing the best way forward.

This step is where change can get tricky. At first it presents itself to us as “wouldn’t it be nice”, or “I need this to succeed in my business”. But then when we are faced with the solution, we realize that to usher change in to improve our community, we too might need to change. We might need to grow as individuals, but change can be scary for a community. Again, as an economic development practitioner, it is my job to be a catalyst for change. So, then I instill courage in my team by using one of our staff mottos, “It is a “No” until it is a “Yes”. We move forward and projects are planned and implemented with the communities’ needs at heart.

The fifth step comes once a project is implemented, when we ask ourselves a series of questions, including, “is it working”? “What do we need to make it better?” Then, we ask you again, “What would you like to see in Powell or Park County that doesn’t exist?” and “What does your business need to succeed?”

The Process

PEP implemented a process in 2020 when an international pandemic threatened the success of our community. We call it the PEP Project Roadmap which, in practice, is an expanded version of the Evidence-Based Approach, first used in medical fields and since been adopted by mental health professionals, the aerospace training industry, and police departments. These high stakes professions recognize that information and relationships can save lives. At PEP, we’re looking to change lives and preserve ways of life. This requires interfacing with different groups, competing perspectives, and a range of values, motivations, and financial infrastructures.

I’ll leave you with a question. What would our community look like if we all decided to lead with courage and identify quality relationships to support us on our journey of change and growth?

This letter was drafted as the introduction to PEP’s 2023 Annual Report because I knew that our nation was entering a time of accountability. When we are held accountable change is inevitable.  

Leadership Isn’t a Title it is a Decision

I decided, now what?

Dr. Kevin Leman a Psychologist and New York Times bestselling author on parenting says, “keep the end in mind.” This quote guides how I parent, shepherd teams, and activate community leadership. Seeing the end does several important things for us. One, as we step through a long project and make mistakes, we can pivot to change directions but still focus on and accomplish our final goal.  Two, the ability to gather people who “get it” at every level of project execution, people who champion the shared vision. Every change agent needs a team to walk beside them, support them, and provide value.

Leading with courage is a catalyst for change. In fact, you can make intentional decisions to transform people’s lives.  Bob Chapman created a movement within Barry Wehmiller that illustrates “People & Profits in Harmony”. People aren’t expendable, layoffs don’t happen, people are truly valued, and this reverberates within every company in the Barry Wehmiller family.

Given that, we started by saying that anyone can lead from the top, middle, or bottom. Specifically, how can this be done? It seems like a lot! A resource that I find very helpful is the Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast. There is a ton of leadership content that is broken down into actionable steps that you can start today!

“You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot do.” —Eleanor Roosevelt

In conclusion, decide to be a leader today. It is within you. Leading with courage is a catalyst for change and you are the right person for the job.

Park County Land Use Plan Community Engagement

When you read the phrase Park County Land Use Plan Community Engagement, what comes to mind? Do you think “Cool, how can I attend”? Perhaps, “I know nothing about Land Use Planning and this community engagement meeting isn’t for me”.

In a recent Park County Our County Our Future Land Use Plan Survey, over 700 responses acknowledged that quality of life, community values, infrastructure and the local economy were important components of a future Park County.

Your Voice Matters – What do you think?

Hence, we want to hear your voice too to get a better understanding and a range of perspectives.

  • How would you rate your quality of life? What specifically is important to you?
  • Would you like to see different housing options?
  • Would you like to see more job opportunities?
  • How do you rate infrastructure like water, power, broadband, and pathways?
  • What values are important to you: western lifestyle, protection of open lands, access to outdoor recreation, sense of community, and agricultural lands?
  • How can Park County’s economy improve? 

Thus, please consider attending a local Park County Our County Our Future Land Use Plan Community Engagement Meeting close to where you live or work. The Powell, Meeteetse, and Cody meetings are in-person, and the dates and times are below.  Additionally, there is also a virtual meeting option on Monday, June 27, 2022. The topics discussed will focus on the big picture and be county-wide. Moreover, attendees will also learn more about the Park County Land Use Plan.    

  • Monday, June 20th, Powell: Park County Fairgrounds (Heart Mountain Hall), 6:30-8:30pm             
  • Tuesday, June 21st, Meeteetse: School Cafeteria, 6:30-8:30pm
  • Wednesday, June 22nd, Cody: Park County Library (Grizzly Room), 6:30-8:30pm 
  • Monday, June 27th, Virtual Meeting, 6:00-7:00pm (Zoom)

Should I Attend a Meeting?

Truly, going to public meetings can feel foreign to lots of us. Trust me, you belong at this meeting. You don’t need to speak publicly, there are opportunities for you to engage in other ways. Grab a neighbor, friend, co-worker or family member. Make a night of it!  

Moreover, I promise you will not regret participating in Community Engagement Meetings. Inversely, you may regret not engaging as Park County changes and develops

In Summary, the Park County Land Use Plan started in February of 2022. The estimated completion date is August of 2023. The timeline and project planning documents are on Park County’s website. It is important that all ages and demographics get involved. Plan to attend Park County Land Use Plan Community Engagement meeting. The future of Park County will be shaped by you.  

Park County Our County Our Future Land Use Plan Survey

Margaret Wheatley, author and global leader in community development, writes, “There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about.

In order to plan for Park County’s future, together we first must discover what we care about. Consider your future and share your ideas in the Park County Our County Our Future Land Use Plan Survey.

What Do You Care About?

Do you most value public education, healthcare options, public safety, viewscapes, access to outdoor recreation, or job opportunities? Would you like to see more restaurants, more retail, and/ or more recreation activities?  Do you want businesses to be locally owned, national chains, or a mix of both?

If your response to these questions was, “I care about one or more of those things”, then you care about planning, zoning, and public services. 

What Do You Want For Your Future? Your Family’s Future? Your Business’s Future?

What do you want your life to look like this weekend?  Additionally, what do you want it to look like in three years?  Moreover in twenty years? Now is the time to voice your opinion on the future of Park County, on your future.  Don’t let this moment pass you by, don’t think ten years from now, “What a shame I didn’t speak up when I was asked.”

Now What?

Park County is in the process of creating a Land Use Plan. This plan is needed to balance this county we call home, Park County, WY. I use the word  “balance” because we find ourselves in a pivotal time, a time when Park County’s inevitable growth will influence our way of life and future opportunities.

You will have the opportunity to contribute to the Land Use Plan in each stage of the plan’s development. For example, voicing your opinions, insights, and aspirations for the future of Park County citizens and businesses at public meetings. Additionally, answering this survey and engaging with a Land Use Plan Advisory Committee member. The planners want to hear from you.  Your input will be used to design the plan and influence zoning.   

You can take the Park County Our County Our Future land use plan survey once. You are encouraged to share this link with your family, friends, and co-workers.

In conclusion, take 15 minutes, gather your thoughts, write them down and click submit. Don’t let the loudest people in the room speak for you. Speak-up for yourself!

Park County Wyoming Our County, Our Future Land Use Plan
Park County Our County Our Future Land Use Plan Survey https://parkcounty-wy.gov/planparkcounty/

Go to our blog for more information about Park County and our region of Wyoming.

Powell Wyoming is Open

It’s spring. The weather’s great. And, Powell, Wyoming is open for business. Powell businesses are opening in accordance to guidelines set by the Wyoming State Health Officer and Park County Health Officer.

You can be confident that our health officers are developing guidelines with your health and wellbeing in mind. These guidelines are being implemented in a phased approach.    

Businesses are working hard to adjust to a new way to serve their customers. Please be patience, understanding and empathetic as businesses navigate their way back to serve you.

We understand that these past two months have been isolating and deflating. We’re here side by side with you to reopen Powell and return to the activities we love.

Are you wondering, “Should I go to the gym? Is it safe for my family to eat on a restaurant patio?” Here is a diagram that can help you decide. Is anyone in your family at risk per the CDC guidelines? Do you understand the orders from the Wyoming State Health Officer and Park County Health Officer?

Powell’s businesses have stepped up to help their employees and the community. Here are some stories from the frontlines.

Hunter Clean Care

“As a small family owned business, we understand how important it is to come together as a community. At Hunter Clean Care, we are committed to continue to provide essential services and cleanings. If we continue to come together as a community, we will get through this,”  says Auston Hunter, owner of Hunter Clean Care. Hunter has provided childcare for his employees while the schools and daycares are closed.

Nerd Nation IT

Nerd Nation loaned newer equipment running windows 10 to our local workforce and students needing a device to work remotely. “We are simply trying to help out where we can, we see a need and try to work to fulfill it as best we can. At the end of the day, we are investing in this community because it is worth investing in,” says James Ries from Nerd Nation IT.

Powell Valley Healthcare

Powell Valley Healthcare purchased Powell bucks for their employees. As a result, thousands of dollars are being infused into the local economy.

Powell Economic Partnership

Powell Economic Partnership is providing business assistance for Powell, Wyoming in response to the coronavirus. Additionally, PEP and the Powell Chamber are working on a Reopen Powell Plan to answer the short and long-term needs of Powell businesses. Rebekah Burns, Executive Director, says “There is an unspoken social contract between residents and small businesses in rural towns. Both residents and small businesses know that they are investing in a way of life. Therefore, we need to be patient and empathetic to the business challenges and community needs. We’re here to help businesses pivot in order to best serve their customer base in changing times.”

The Powell Economic Partnership leads the business community and government top create wealth, jobs, and improve the quality of life consistent with the culture and environment of the Powell Valley for the benefit of all citizens. The Powell Economic Partnership works so that Powell citizens exude pride and ownership of where they work, live, and recreate.

COVID-19 and Powell Businesses

We’ve Got This

One hundred and thirteen years ago people came from the east coast and the midwest to homestead a rugged, rocky desert. Our desert now blooms because of backbreaking labor and a steadfast disposition.

Our town is built on hard work and community pride. Over time the landscape and people have changed, but the steadfast disposition remains.  Powell, Wyoming will survive this virus and our town will be stronger and more connected because of it.

Gathering and Relaying Information

Powell Economic Partnership is providing business assistance for Powell, Wyoming in response to the coronavirus. On Tuesday, March 11, the first positive case of COVID-19 was reported in Wyoming. The first positive case of COVID-19 was reported in Park County on Wednesday, March 18. The previous day Powell Economic Partnership  (PEP) started to make personal phone calls to our businesses. To date, we have called over 140 businesses to get a pulse on what you are seeing and feeling. We will continue to make personal phone calls to understand how our businesses are reacting and what we can do for you.

Business Assistance

PEP is relaying timely and relevant information about the SBA Disaster Loan program when we personally reach out to our businesses. PEP worked with the Wyoming Business Council and other partners to locate businesses in Park County that experienced financial hardship due to the Coronavirus. This was a necessary part of the process to qualify Wyoming for federal SBA disaster loans. On Saturday, March 21, all counties in Wyoming, and the businesses within those counties, became eligible to apply for the SBA Disaster Loans.  

  • Contact your local SBDC professional if your business needs questions answered about the SBA Disaster Loans.
  • If your business needs a line of credit outside of the SBA Disaster Loans contact PEP for options.
  • Are you an individual looking for assistance and live in Park County, Wyoming see this resource list.

Resource List Healthy Park County

More Connected

This is a great time to get close to your customers, not in body, but in spirit. Developing brand loyalty is key at a time like this. How can you communicate with your customers now? Develop a plan and execute it. Action breeds confidence in your customer base. If you need ideas about how to improve your skills on social media, websites blog or forum development, or other best practices, reach out to Powell Economic Partnership/ Powell Chamber/ Powell Visitor Center. We will connect you to resources.     

Stronger Better

If you rely on a firm handshake and face-to-face meetings to conduct business, this is an excellent time to reevaluate. Business will continue with phone calls, video conferencing, document signing software, online learning, and managing an off-site workforce. Change is difficult but necessary. You are not alone. Wyoming is very fortunate to have many business services at our finger tips.  Contact your local economic developer PEP, your local chamber, Small Business Development Center, and Wyoming Business Council Northwest Regional Representative. These are business resources that work for you. Powell, Wyoming can count on Powell Economic Partnership to provide business assistance in response to the coronavirus.  

The Powell Economic Partnership Works for You!      

How is Wyoming Going to Pay the Bills Today and in the Future?

Powell Economic Partnership partnered with the Wyoming Business Alliance to bring a crucial conversation to Wyoming and the Bighorn Basin. The question Wyoming is asking currently…

How is Wyoming Going to Pay the Bills Today and in the Future?

Economic development is working hard locally, regionally and statewide to strengthen and add value to our heritage economic engines. The three largest industries with the greatest economic impact in Wyoming are energy, tourism and agriculture.

As a matter of fact, as we look to diversify our economy we are having successes! Thus, as business and community leaders, and as citizens of our state, we need to understand the landscape, today and tomorrow. To best make decisions, on the opportunities before us, we need a clear fiscal picture and policy.

As a result, over 85 business and community leaders from Powell and Park County joined the Powell Economic Partnership for the panel discussion. The presenters slides for Wyoming’s Fiscal Future: How is Wyoming Going to Pay the Bills Today and In the Future can be downloaded below. Additionally, the livestream on YouTube has garnered many views and can be viewed below as well.

Watch the Full Panel Presentation and Q&A

The Robust Panel Discussion on our fiscal outlook with Wyoming Leaders was moderated by Cindy DeLancey, President of the Wyoming Business Alliance. The Panelist included Renny MacKay, Policy Director for the Wyoming Governor’s Office; Ashley Harpstreith, Executive Director of the Wyoming Taxpayers Association; Dr. Robert Godby, Deputy Director of the UW Center for Energy Regulation and Policy; Wyoming State Legislator Senator, Hank Coe and Wyoming State Legislator Representative Dan Laursen.

Download the Presenters Slides

Renny MacKay, Policy Director, Wyoming Governor’s Office

Ashley Harpstreith, Executive Director, Wyoming Taxpayers Association

Dr. Robert Godby, Deputy Director, University of Wyoming Center for Energy Regulation and Policy

In conclusion, encourage you to engage in this conversation of how Wyoming is going to pay the bills now and in the future. Contact the Powell Economic Partnership/ Powell Chamber/ Powell Visitor Center.

Morrison-Maierle Engineering and Surveying Firm Member Highlight

Theresa Gunn, Cody Operations Manager, talks about company culture, core values, and how being employee-owned creates a competitive edge in the Morrison-Maierle, Inc. engineering and surveying member highlight.

Morrison-Maierle an engineering and surveying firm started in John Morrison’s garage in Helena, Montana in 1945. John Morrison and Joe Maierle (pronounced Merrily) co-founded the firm and play a large part in the story of Morrison-Maierle. From the start, the focus is always doing right by the client and providing quality technical work support. Today they have twelve offices in Wyoming, Montana, Washington and Arizona. Backed by the resources that a top 500 design firm provides, Morrison-Maierle cultivates a client-centered experience.

Core Competencies

What services do Morrison-Maierle provide? 

“We work in eight different market groups and have expertise in dozens of engineering disciplines. Primarily, we focus on building better communities by engineering airports, buildings and structures, land development, industrial engineering, natural resources, surveying and water rights, transportation infrastructure, and water/wastewater facilities” says Gunn.

What makes Morrison-Maierle engineering and surveying services excellent?  How does your company rise above your competition?

“Relentless focus on our clients, not shying away from the hard work, and always living by our values. Also, we are 100% employee-owned” Gunn added. 

What regions does Morrison-Maierle serve?

Theresa states “our principal markets are in the intermountain states of Wyoming and Montana, though we work in a much wider region and occasionally even on a national scale.” 

Company Culture 

What makes your company proud to do business in the Big Horn Basin in Wyoming? 

“Morrison-Maierle has an office in Cody, Wyoming. In 2016 we merged with Holm, Blough and Company, who had been in business in the Big Horn Basin since 1982.  We have continued to serve our clients in the Powell area and the Big Horn Basin.”

What defines your company culture? 

“We are a 100% Employee-Owned Company, and we feel our core values define our culture. The four pillars of the company’s founders come to mind: Integrity – We do the right thing, Respect – We value people, Commitment – We keep our word, and Excellence – We give our best.” 

What is one thing you really want people to know about your company? 

“We are here to create solutions that build better communities” states Gunn.

What song or genre of music best represents your company today?  

“2020 is our 75th anniversary so “You Say It’s Your Birthday” will be an appropriate song all year long!”


What makes your company a great place to work?  

“We do great work. We get the chance to tackle the most challenging and complex projects, and we have a team of experts who always rise to the challenge. We are innovative and forward-looking and are not content to settle. Morrison-Maierle has visionary and strategic leadership” Gunn proudly states.

What do you value about your employees?

“We have many employees who have worked together for over 50 years.  This is a tribute to their dedication not only to their profession, but also to the comradery in our office. We look forward to sharing a cup of coffee and hearing about old times and learning about what our newly hired folks are doing.”


How does your company invest in the future?  

“Morrison-Maierle invests in the future with our employee stock ownership program, strategic planning, professional development, and leadership development.” 

What will Morrison-Maierle engineering and surveying firm look like in 10 years?  

“In ten-years we will be thriving! Sustainable business practices ensure our company is profitable. We will also be in more markets and have a larger workforce in those markets to promote growth in the Big Horn Basin..” 

What inspires you to go to work every day? 

Theresa concludes, “We have a great group of individuals who are like-minded and strive to deliver the best projects to our clients.  It is a pleasure to work as a team with our office!”

It is clear Theresa Gunn is proud to be a part of the Morrison-Maierle team. The core-values and company culture play a big part in retaining their workforce and growing the company. At PEP, we look forward to seeing how Morrison-Maierle engineering and surveying services grows our community. 

Heart Mountain Equipment Member Highlight

Greg Wilson, General Manager at Heart Mountain Equipment, sits down with Powell Economic Partnership/ Powell Chamber to discuss company culture, their team and the future.

Heart Mountain Equipment products have evolved over time; but their dedication to servicing equipment and being able to source the right parts is a point of pride for Greg Wilson.

Company Culture

Specialty farm equipment, construction equipment and lawn mowers are sold and serviced at Heart Mountain Equipment in Powell, Wyoming. Greg is proud to be a part of an area where the people are independent. At the core, Greg is a problem-solver. He wants to be able to help his customers solve problems so they continue to be independent.   

Like the customers they serve, Heart Mountain Equipment, formally Heart Mountain Farm Supply, has a rich family history in the Big Horn Basin. They have three generations currently working at the family business.  

Terry Swenson moved to Powell when his father, George, bought the International Harvester Dealership. Terry and wife Val are very much a part of Heart Mountain Equipment since they opened in 1982. This year marks twenty years that Greg Wilson followed his father-in-law’s life advise and moved back to Powell to work for the family operation.  

What books are you reading or have most helped you?

“John Maxwell leadership books are what comes to mind” says Greg.

Core Competencies

What does twenty years of experience tell you?

“We are really about helping people to find solutions. We aren’t about sales quotas. We have turned people away because we didn’t want to sell them something they didn’t need. We don’t have pressure tactics, we help them.” Greg confirms, these business practices do lend to repeat customers.

What areas do you serve?

“We serve Farmers in the Shoshone Irrigation lands from the Buffalo Bill Dam, farmers along the Shoshone River in Lovell and Worland, and Shell. We have construction clients all over the Big Horn Basin. Also, in southern Montana in Belfry, Bridger and small acreages are everywhere.  When you have 2 to 50 acres you need equipment to care for your place.  Those are a lot of the people we serve. Of course, there is also the commercial turf market from landscapers to schools and municipalities, we have Kubota mowers running all over.”

What equipment manufacturers do you carry?

Heart Mountain Equipment sells a premier product. Kubota is a Japanese company that builds about 50 % of their products in the United States. They have manufacturing plants in Georgia, Kansas and Missouri. Kubota is the number one seller of tractors under 100 horsepower.  The types of farms that use these tractors are growing hay, have cattle, are hobby farmers, have orchards, vineyards, or grow specialty crops.  Kubota is also the number one manufacturer of off-road diesel engines under 100hp. Think, generators, refrigerator trucks, welders, tractors and side-by-sides. 

The amount of orange on display at Hearty Mountain Equipment is a clear signifier that Kubota is their leading manufacturer. However, they also carry Trimble GPS and precision farming systems, Vermeer hay equipment, Land Pride tractor attachments, and Hesston small balers.


What does talent look like to Heart Mountain Equipment?

 “We have a good rapport with our employees. It’s a good atmosphere. We look for people who can develop…The attributes we are looking for are integrity, hard work, solutions oriented, and people that interact positively with others. It is a fun place to work.”

Greg is particularly proud of their service department. They can fix anything, and do, “unless it just isn’t worth the customers money to fix it” Wilson says. He adds, “the parts department takes care of unique issues as well”.

In the Big Horn Basin, equipment lasts a long time, thirty to forty years. The Basin just doesn’t get the moisture that is so hard on equipment in other agricultural regions. Greg shares, “the parts department is really good at tracking parts down and finding the right replacement parts. In fact, we service customers from as far away as North and South Dakota”. With a smile, Greg explains, “a farmer in the Dakotas contacted Heart Mountain Equipment. The parts department was able to help him get what he needed. That same farmer told all of his buddies, and now Heart Mountain Equipment is widely known as a resource in North and South Dakota.”

What does technology in Farming look like?

“We use a satellite-based construction that doesn’t need a strong cell connection. You can also store the information and transfer it to a USB or complete a wireless transfer with the cell signal is stronger.”   


How does Heart Mountain invest in the future?

“By making an investment in our employees.”

What will specialty farm equipment look like in ten or twenty-years?

Precision farming is going to be standard in ten to twenty-years, and it will be completely normal to have GPS guided/autonomous equipment do everything from planting to fertilizing to feeding cattle to clearing snow off the sidewalks” Greg predicts. “Heart Mountain Equipment will continue to differentiate with quality products and quality service; that is something that will not change.”

He projects that parts departments will change when they are able to 3-D print in metal on a mass scale. It will become cheaper to make a product than to ship one in.

When people free themselves from the mindset of this is what grandpa did, advancements will be more mainstream.  Now, and in the future, Heart Mountain Equipment is dedicated to helping people solve problems and getting them what they need; specialty farm equipment, construction equipment and lawn mowers new or repaired in Powell, Wyoming.

Yellowstone National Park Travel Hacks

This is an amazing place but can quickly become more of an adventure then you bargained for. These Yellowstone National Park travel hacks will ensure you have the best experience.

National Parks are on your travel list and you’ve narrowed your trip down to Yellowstone National Park. Get excited, here are the major highlights. Yellowstone Lake is the largest high-elevation lake in North America. Plan to spend some time on the water. There are sixty-seven mammal species, from massive bison to cute river otters. Get off the roads and walk on the trails, you’ll see more wildlife. Seek out native cultures. Before Yellowstone was designated as a national park twenty-six tribes used its resources.

#1 Yellowstone is the size of a small state.

It is larger than Rhode Island and Delaware combined. So, unless you are on a bus tour or have scheduled a shuttle you will need your own transportation.

#2 Pick a gate. Hint, The East Gate is the Best Gate.

Yellowstone spans three states (Wyoming, Montana and Idaho). The majority of Yellowstone is in Wyoming. That’s right, Wyoming = Yellowstone. Actually 53% of Yellowstone is in Park County, Wyoming. Powell is in Park Country, Wyoming (aren’t we lucky). The gates (entrances) into the Park very in size, landscape and animal activity. BONUS: When you travel to the Park from the East, you get to experience the United States’ first National Forest, Shoshone National Forest. If you are looking often you will see moose, bears, and buffalo before you enter Yellowstone.

#3 Pick a gate community.

Each gate has a town close to it. The South Gate is Jackson, the West Gate is West Yellowstone, the North Gate is Gardiner, the Northeast Gate is Cook City, and the East Gate is Cody. Powell, Wyoming is just 20 miles northeast of Cody and we have two gates that are easily accessible by vehicle, the East Gate and the Northeast Gate. Each of the gate communities are distinct.

#4 Cell service is spotty.

Isn’t this kind of the point of our National Parks? Unplug, unwind, go ahead and take those selfies and send them a little later. Keep a map of the park with you so you don’t get lost. The best places to get cell service are Lake Village, Grant Village, Canyon Village, Old Faithful, West Yellowstone, Mammoth Hot Springs and Gardiner, MT.

#5 Again, Yellowstone is the size of a small USA state.

While there are gas stations in the park they aren’t around every geiser. Fill up your tank before you enter the park. Keep it full.

#6 You are at elevation, in the Park and in the surrounding communities.

Drink water, stay hydrated. You have spent time planning your trip and paying for it. Do you really want to get sick due to dehydration, nah.

#7 The animals are wild.

Not like theme park, well fed, will not approach your jeep wild. The kind of wild that is live or die wild. So, don’t approach the Buffalo…use the zoom instead. The friendly Park Rangers give a pamphlet of what types of animals are in the park and how far away you need to view them. Read it.

#8 Get off the roads. Get into the park.

Hike some trails. Bike some trails. You traveled all the away from your busy city to be in nature. Get in nature. Yellowstone National Park fills your soul in a kind of way that little other places do. Our great President Teddy Roosevelt knew what he was doing when he declared this land to belong to the people.

#9 Bring bear spray. The animals are wild in Yellowstone.

Grizzly bears live in the park. They are meat eaters. Black bears live in the park. They eat lots of plants but also eat meat. If you surprise either kind of bear they may attack you. That is when you pull out your bear spray which is in the holster on your body, per the manufacturer instructions, not in your backpack were you can’t reach it.

#10 Bison do ram cars.

Bison are herd grazing animals. Often they will be to the side of the road or on the road. Mostly they will just keep walking; but, Buffalo are wild animals and you never know!

Not sure about what to bring, where to stay, and what to do in Yellowstone National Park? Ask a local. The Powell Visitor Center is here to help. We love talking about our National Treasure and surrounding region.

#11 Gates open and close for the season. Plan your visit. 

Yellowstone is a wild place located in the states of Wyoming, Montana and Idaho. It is a mountainous region with high elevations. Roads close during the winter months. And, winter comes early in Yellowstone. When planning this trip of a lifetime first consult the Yellowstone Live Roads Map. This page also outlines gate opening and closing, current road status, and road maintenance projects.

#12 Look good and layer up. 

Packing your suitcase for all types of weather is always a good Yellowstone travel hack. Especially, if you are visiting in spring (May) or fall (September and October). Include a windproof/ water resistant winter coat, hat, and gloves. It will allow you to stay outside longer to enjoy the beautiful views. It is function over fashion here. Bring hiking boots or good walking shoes. Yellowstone is more fun if you get on the designated trails and off the boardwalks.

Looking for more Yellowstone National Park travel hacks? Ask a local the Powell Visitor Center is here to help give us a call or send us an email. We are happy to give you all the inside info.